Open Source Tool Box
Universal components for your infrastructure
Blockchain Europe offers universal software moduls for your Blockchain-based infrastructure with the Blockchain Base Components. The software blocks can be integrated into your existing IT infrastructure according to the modular principle, either individually or as a combination of several components to form a module. The basic components provided have been implemented in the blockchain framework Tendermint/Cosmos. In addition, further basic components are planned in the blockchain framework Quorum.
At a glace
With the first open source release we provide you with three software components at once.
Token Manager

Storage and management of documents and corporate assets
Authorization Modul

Role rights system for controlling access, write and read rights
Light Node Service

Interfacing physical devices with the blockchain and certified transactions.
First Modul
If the first three universal software blocks of our tool box are combined, they result in the module of the digital folder.
The Digital Folder

Digital, blockchain-based documents
The Digital Folder is a module composed of the three components Token Manager, Authorization Module and Light Node Service.
The Token Manager brings together several relevant pieces of information and documents (tokens) in one place. The stored information includes, for example, the document ID, the user ID of the processor and a timestamp of the document storage/modification. The authorization module controls access rights and the light node service ensures the interface of hardware and blockchain.
Digital folders can be used in dealings with authorities, for tracing important goods and commodities, for accompanying documents, or for tamper-proof passports and certificates.
How-to: Getting the Digital Folder into Use
Target group: Developers
Framework: Tendermint/Cosmos – Internet of Blockchains
Install Ignite CLI (open source) on your computer.
Install Go Compiler (open source) on your computer.
Visit GitLab of Open Logistics Foundation and download the Digital Folder as Git Submodul.
You can now run the Digital Folder locally on your computer.
Interfaces to third party systems are easily possible with type script backends through the integrated Light Client.
If you only want to use a single component or create an interface to other third-party systems, you can customize the open source code.
All further information can be found in the Arc42 documentation or in the README file on GitLab.

Tobias Jornitz
Product Owner Basic Components
Blockchain Europe Open Source Tool Box

Dominik Schmitt
Technical Project Manager
Blockchain Europe
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